This weekend we remember St. Francis of Assisi, one of the most - if not the most - beloved saints of the Church. Francis is best known as the patron saint of animals. Inspired by blessed Francis we invite all God’s creatures great and small to worship on Sunday at 10am, and at 11am for a brief blessing service outside on the lawn. Please note the 8am liturgy will be an animal free zone. I hope you will join us for these gathering and encourage your friends to come along and join us for the glorious adventure which is about to unfold. Seriously bring whatever animals you have - cats, dogs, chickens, goats, cows, horses - all are welcome!
Blessed Francis’ legacy goes far beyond his love of animals, though the other part of his story is often neglected. Francis made the bold decision, to follow the call of Jesus, giving up all that he had to serve the poor. There is a dramatic story of this moment, but you’ll have to come join us this weekend to hear the rest of the tale.
Blessed Francis’ commitment to his faith allowed him to proclaim the Gospel not only in words but in deeds. By renouncing the vanities of this world, Francis was able to live in harmony with creation in a way he could not do otherwise. He literally cast off all the things that operated him from God - that put barriers in his relationship. This took tremendous courage, and was a serious risk, but in the process he discovered a life more abundant than he could have ever imagined.
Just like Blessed Francis we are called to give sacrificially for the work of God - giving of our financial resources, our talents, our time, and our very lives. As we gather this weekend, may we be inspired by the witness of Francis, and give fully to the work of God in this place.
Most high, omnipotent, good Lord, grant your people grace to renounce gladly the vanities of this world; that, following the way of blessed Francis, we may for love of you delight in your whole creation with perfectness of joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen (Collect for Francis of Assisi).