We offer these resources to aid in keeping a holy Lent.
For help discerning how you will keep this season, please contact the Rector.
Additional resources can be found on the ministry table in the parish hall.
Some find prayer through music to be a beneficial practice, so we have put together a playlist of Lenten hymns and music.
In addition to corporate confession during worship, the Episcopal Church also has opportunities for private confession, found on page 447 of the
Book of Common Prayer.
Throughout the week, the Church is available for times of private prayer and quiet. If you are interested please be in touch with the Rector.
In the midst of the business of daily life, consider creating a space in your home reserved for prayer. Seek out a space in your home, that can be a dedicated sacred space. Maybe this is a shelf on a bookcase, a window ledge, or a table in the corner of a room. Decorate that space with objects that help focus your prayer.
The Book of Common Prayer is source of rich treasures of our Anglican/Episcopal tradition. One such treasure is a section title “Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families” which begins on page 136. This section offers brief services of devotion (one page) for the morning, noon, early evening, and close of day. Maybe this Lent is the time to choose one of these devotion to incorporate into the daily life of your household. Please let the Rector know if you would like a Prayer Book.
The Ash Wednesday service includes something called the “Litany of Penitence.” This prayer, beginning on page 267 of The Book of Common Prayer, offers us a guide to reflect on our lives, to ask God’s mercy upon us for the ways we have failed to live as we should, and a reminder of the invitation God places before us to reorient our lives back towards God. This is a helpful resource to use as an examination of conscience. Please let the Rector know if you would like a Prayer Book.
Parishioners and friends of the parish are warmly welcomed to participate in our Lenten Program. Together we will read Henri J.M. Nouwen’s book Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World. Join Fr. Dante on Tuesday evenings at 7pm via Zoom to reflect on this important work together. Classes will from from March 18 - April 8.
The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. We gather together at 12noon and 6pm for the Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes. During these liturgies we will hear the invitation to a holy Lent, and name our penitence - not in a self-deprecating way, but in a way that allows us to make a new begin. Beginning the season with an honest reflection of where we are in this moment, invites us to see more clearly where God is calling us next.
This brief liturgy is a chance to walk with Jesus during the final hours of his earthly life. Through our prayers we enter into the long walk through Jerusalem contemplating the fullness - the tragedy and ultimate triumph - of the cross.
Beginning on March 12, we will reintroduce a midweek liturgy into the life of our community. All are invited to pause during the week for a simply celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
All are warmly welcomed to join us for a time of quiet and prayer on Saturday March 15 from 10am-3pm. The day will begin with Morning Prayer and conclude with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. This is a joint offering with our parish and the Church of the Redeemer, Providence. Our Rector will offer meditations through the morning, and the Rector of the Redeemer will preach at the Eucharist.
We share these resources from other organizations within the wider Episcopal Church.
The national church has put together a variety together a variety of resources for Lent, including some tailored to the Way of Love.
Each year ERD puts together various meditations and offerings.
In addition to the mediations books, regular and large print editions available in the narthex (entrance to the church), Forward Day by Day has other prayer resources as well.