We offer these resources to aid in keeping a holy Lent.
For help discerning how you will keep this season, please contact the Rector.
Some find prayer through music to be a beneficial practice, so we have put together a playlist of Lenten hymns and music.
On the ministry table in the parish hall, and in the parish library you will find copies of daily mediation books to move through Lent, Holy Week, and Easter.
Throughout the week, the Church is available for times of private prayer and quiet. If you are interested please be in touch with the Rector.
The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. We gather together at 12noon and 6pm for the Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes. During these liturgies we will hear the invitation to a holy Lent, and name our penitence - not in a self-deprecating way, but in a way that allows us to make a new begin. Beginning the season with an honest reflection of where we are in this moment, invites us to see more clearly where God is calling us next.
This brief liturgy is a chance to walk with Jesus during the final hours of his earthly life. Through our prayers we enter into the long walk through Jerusalem contemplating the fullness - the tragedy and ultimate triumph - of the cross.
Beginning on March 12, we will reintroduce a midweek liturgy into the life of our community. All are invited to pause during the week for a simply celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
All are warmly welcomed to join us for a time of quiet and prayer on Saturday March 15 from 10am-3pm. The day will begin with Morning Prayer and conclude with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. This is a joint offering with our parish and the Church of the Redeemer, Providence. Our Rector will offer meditations through the morning, and the Rector of the Redeemer will preach at the Eucharist.