Liturgical Ministries

Worship at St. Thomas requires the participation of many members of the community.  Below are a variety of ways to support the liturgical life of our community.

In you are interested in any of the following ministries please contact the Rector.

Altar Guild

Members of the Altar Guild work behind the scenes to help prepare the church for worship.  Their work includes: changing the hanging in the church, setting out the vessels for the Eucharist, washing linens, and caring for the silver and brass items which adorn our space.  Members of the Altar Guild work in teams to prepare for Sunday morning liturgies, holy days, wedding, funerals, and other worship events which occur throughout the year.

Flower Guild

Members of the community share in arranging plants and flowers which adorn the altar. On Sundays throughout the year simple arrangements are placed in front of the altar, especially on those Sundays in which memorial flowers have been given.  The flower guild also works with the altar guild and other members of the community to prepare the church for Christmas and Easter.


Our ushers are amongst the first people visitors meet during their initial visit to St. Thomas.  Ushers help pass out bulletins, answer questions and offer directions to the visitors, and help guide congregants to the altar for communion.  They also ask member of the community to help bring up the offerings of bread, wine, and money.


During each liturgy, members of the community read the lessons from Holy Scripture (Old Testament lessons, and New Testament epistles), and lead the Prayers of the People.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic ministers help the clergy administer the Eucharist during our liturgies.  Specifically when not enough clergy are present, non-ordained members of our community administer the chalice.

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