• What to Expect

    The best advice we can give is come and see. Come and join us for worship to discover something of who we are. 

    The Holy Eucharist is celebrated on Sundays at 8am and 10am. 

    When you arrive on Sunday morning you will be greeted by various members of the community.   If you have any questions (like where the bathroom is or how to get to coffee hour) please ask them.  You will be given a worship bulletin to help guide you through the liturgy.  Regular and large print versions are avialable.  Please follow along through the liturgy, and if you get lost do not be afriad to ask your neighbor for help. 

  • Do I need to dress up?

    While most in our congregation prefer a more casual style, it is important to us that you are comfortable.  Be it formal to casual and everything in between, please wear whatever makes the most sense for you.

  • What do you offer for my kids?

    We beleive that children and youth are an important part of our worshiping community.  They are encouraged to participate as fully as makes sense for them in the liturgy of the Church.  To help the youngest amongst us in the liturgy we offer coloring pages and various age approrptiate books both in the church and in the parish hall.  Throughout the year the parish hosts events to help form our young people in faith. 

  • Where do I park?

    You are invited to park in the lot to the immediate right of the church and parish hall buildings.  The lot is accessible off of Church St. (passing through the funeral home lot), or off of Rt. 44 (Putnam Pike). 

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