Holy Week and Easter at St. Thomas
The Holy Eucharist with blessing of the Palms is celebrated at 8am (no music) and 10am (with music).
On this day we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The liturgy includes the blessing and distribution of palms and the reading of the Passion Gospel.
We gather these nights at 6pm for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Through these nights we hear the stories from Jesus’ final days of his earthly life and ministry.
We gather these nights at 6pm for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Through these nights we hear the stories from Jesus’ final days of his earthly life and ministry.
We gather this night as Jesus did on that last night with his disciples. Following his commandment (mandatum from which we get the word Maundy) to love one another we wash one another’s feet just as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. We then commemorate the institution of the Eucharist, remember how Jesus instituted the Sacrament that night. At the conclusion of the liturgy, the altar is stripped and all depart in silence. After the liturgy all are invited to keep vigil with the Sacrament at the altar of repose - watching and praying as Jesus asked his disciples to do in the garden.
At 12noon we gather to pray the Stations of the Cross, a venerable tradition Christians have had since at least the 4th century.
At 1pm (no music) and 7pm (with music) we pray the liturgy of the day. We gather to remember the greatest act of love that humanity has ever experienced as Jesus willingly goes to the cross. The liturgy includes the reading of the Passion Gospel, Veneration of the Cross, and the Solemn Collects. The 7pm liturgy also includes communion from the reserved sacrament, consecrated on Maundy Thursday.
In the stillness of the morning we gather at 9am to recall Jesus resting in the tomb. This brief liturgy includes scripture readings, prayers, and a homily. Following the liturgy all are invited to help us decorate the church for Easter.
This is liturgy is the culmination of all that we do throughout the entire year. It is the Passover of the Lord, when Jesus passed from death to resurrected life. The liturgy begins with the kindling of fire from which the Paschal Candle is lit. Following the Paschal Candle, the light of Christ, we process to the parish hall where the Exsultet is chanted, and we hear the recorded of God’s saving deeds in history through the telling of various Scripture readings. Following the light of Christ once more we process to the Church where new Christians are baptized, and baptismal vows are renewed; where we proclaim Easter with shouts of “Alleluia” and “Christ is risen!” This night the first Eucharist of Easter is celebrated. A reception follows the Vigil.
We gather to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. The Holy Eucharist is celebrated at 8am (no music) and 10am (with music).