I have recently returned from a week of continuing education and retreat - a time of rest, prayer, and study. I cannot express the gratitude I have for this gift. And, in case you are wondering, I did not plan my time away to coincide with the election. I actually booked my retreat in November 2023, when the election was the last thing on my mind. While it was strange to be away from our community at the culminating moment of the 2024 election season, it also gave me the space to reflect and process in a way not possible while maintaining the day to day of parish life.
I arrived in Duxbury, MA at the convent of the Society of St. Margaret for a few days of silent retreat on the morning of November 6. Never before have I had the experience of disconnecting from the world after such an important political moment. But there I was, not watching the news, reading the paper, not engaging in conversation across social media platforms. Instead I had room to be present with myself and with God, to sit in silence praying and reflecting on all that has been. There were moments of peace, and moments of distress. There were tears, and times of joy. As is always true, I left the Sisters, that holy and wonderful community, with a clearer head and heart. My reentry however did not go as hoped.
My heart broke as I scrolled through various social media platforms. Tears filled my eyes as I read post after post, across every partisan persuasion, tearing down one another, vilifying our neighbors, and disparaging those currently in office and those preparing to take office. It was devastating to see so many people succumbing to our lowest base instincts. I have never had a stronger desire to return to the convent than I did in those moments last week.
So where my friends, does this leave us? Let me offer a few thoughts about where we are and how we move forward together.
First, be gentle with yourselves. There was nothing pretty about this election season. We have been subjected to violent language, demeaning rhetoric, and portents of a dark and uncertain future. Give yourself space to process all we have been through. Notice what is coming to the surface in your life. Take the opportunity to seek healing and understanding for wherever you are emotionally. While you are at it, be gentle with one another. Check in on your friends.
Second, be present in the current moment. If you are excited about the outcome of the election, be mindful that you do not set yourself up for disappointment when all your hopes are not achieved during this next administration. If you are disappointed in the outcome, do not fall down a rabbit hole of what ifs allowing fear to overtake you. Stay grounded; be here now. This way we can rejoice, mourn, and respond appropriately to what is actually happening.
Third, give yourself permission to let go of your fear and hatred. As the wise theologian Yoda once said, “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.” Vice President Harris and President-Elect Trump have no idea who we are. The fear, anger, and hatred we carry towards them has no bearing on their lives, but it does have a significant impact on our lives and the lives of those around us. If we allow these emotions to overtake us they will consume our very beings. We cannot allow fear and hate to eat us alive, tearing apart our souls, preventing God from breaking through the hardness of our hearts to make us whole.
Finally, stop and listen. Here in RI nearly 42% of the voting population voted for President-Elect Trump, an increase from previous elections. Our local municipalities saw similar increases as well: Smithfield at nearly 53%, Burrillville at nearly 62%, Scituate, Foster, and Glocester all at nearly 60%, and Johnston at nearly 59%. These numbers reflect the changing reality of our communities. We are not of one mind. Represented in the household of God at St. Thomas Church are people who voted for President-Elect Trump, Vice President Harris, third party candidates, and write-in votes. When we vilify people for how they voted, we vilify our own.
I wonder if one of the reasons for this change is that we have stopped listening to one another. I wonder if the shifting voting patterns have something to do with the number of people who feel ignored, left behind, and discounted.
Instead of judging and discounting our neighbors, it is time to get to know them better. To sit with those who vote differently and try to understand their motivations and concerns. What is it that swayed you and your neighbor to vote for the candidates you did?
As we seek to do these things, let us ensure that our foundation is love. For that is what we have been created for.
We are not primarily democrats, republican, or independents. We are Christians, followers of Jesus. Our primary citizenship is not of this world, but in the Kingdom of God. Therefore, all we do, everything in our beings, is to be grounded in the way of God, which is the way of love. As citizens of heaven we are called to make known the Good News of God to all those around us. We do this by living into our Baptismal Covenants, which we recently renewed on the Sunday after All Saints’ Day.
We must love all those we meet including: those who look differently, love differently, believe differently, and vote differently than we do. We strive to respect the dignity of every human being because our faith teaches us that every single person who was, is, and is yet to be is a beloved child of God - yes that is even true of the candidate you did not vote for.
If we allow ourselves to be fractured by this political moment, then we have lost the very heart of our faith and the reason why we gather here week in and week out. If we allow ourselves to forsake the promises of our baptism to align ourselves with a party platform, then we have failed to strive for that still more excellent way to which God calls us. St. Paul reminds us that no part of the body can say to the other, I have no need of you (1 Corinthians 12:12-31). We cannot cast aside those we disagree with, because we are one Body and we need each other.
Thanks be to God, it is never too late for us to make a new beginning. Our work of building relationships across lines of difference grows in importance every day. Imagine the powerful witness we can show forth to the world if we can be people who build bridges instead of walls. After all, that is our mission, “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ” (BCP p. 855).
Beloved of God, I beg you to join me in this work, of rising above the chaos and noise that we might always be people of Good News. As a Church, we cannot (legally because we are a non-profit) and should not, endorse any political candidates, but we can lobby political issues. If you are passionate about environment stewardship there are wonderful creation care ministries in our Diocese and across the wider Episcopal Church. If you are passionate about immigration there are wonderful things happening through Episcopal Migration Ministries and the work of DORCAS here in RI. If you are passionate about stopping gun violence then join the work of Bishops Against Gun Violence. If you wish to get involved in the countless other areas of our common life check out the Episcopal Public Policy Network. Just as we did in the last four years, in the next four there will be times for us to raise our voices, join with others, calling all to works of justice, mercy, and peace.
For now, I want to leave you with one final image. This graphic from the Salt and Gold Collective is a powerful reminder of the image of humble, loving service we have in Jesus. I pray we may all aspire to this kind of servant ministry, grounded in love, for the sake of the Gospel. May we walk in love, as Christ loves us.